
Start weight 309... Surgery Day 297... 8/29/10 284.5... 9/6/10 278.0... 9/13/10 272.0... 9/20/10 273.0... 9/27/10 267.5... 10/4/10 267.4... 10/11/10 267.4... 11/9/10 255.6... 12/13/10 249.0... 1/3/11 242.5... 1/13/11 242.6... 1/29/11 247.0... 2/3/11 238.0....... 4/3/11 228.5

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Significant Others

As of yet, I have written about me and my experience. But there are other people to consider. Mainly I am going to talk about my husband, Tom.

I am not usually a self-absorbed person. But since I've had this surgery I've thought about how it's effected me. But it's also effected my family. Now don't get me wrong, I still go grocery shopping and cook most of the meals. It's not like I neglect them. It's that I have to think more about what I am going to eat and how much I am going to eat and more about food choices.

We usually go out to eat about once a week usually on Friday nights. We haven't been going out to eat since the surgery because my diet was so restrictive. We've started eating out again. Tom was really wanting to go to Pizza Hut. So, we went. In order for me to eat pizza, I scraped the toppings off the pizza and just eat the toppings. According to my diet I am not to have bread for another week. Tom felt so bad. I didn't mind, but he was worried anyhow.

Another issue is portion size. This is something that he is learning with me. It's not easy. At first he would get me too much, and would of course feel bad. HA. But now he is doing much better. Plus now he laughs that I can't even eat as much as our 6-year-old. Heck, I laugh that I can't eat as much as he can.

And the best thing about Tom is that he saves me from me. :) I had to have him hide my scale. I freely admit that I have no self control. I was not weighing myself once a week. I wasn't even weighing myself once a day. I was weighing myself 5-6 times a day. On top of that, when the scale did not read what I expected I would not deal well. And I really didn't do well the week that I gained a pound. But through it all there was Tom. Being my rock. Being my strength. And reminding me that I am bat shit crazy. I love him.

Just remember, whatever effects you also effects those that love you. :)

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